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The literacy skills of Oulu elementary school students at the beginning of the 20th century

A painting of two children looking towards the birch tree in the foreground left. Two grave crosses under the birch tree. A small cottage in the background.
Kuva: Taiteilija Juho Mäkelän maalaama fresko "Koivu ja tähti" Oulun keskuskansakoulun pääportaikon seinäpinnassa 3.10.1936. Museovirasto. Journalistinen kuva-arkisto JOKA. Kaleva.

Master of Philosophy, doctoral researcher Nita Mäenpää will lecture on the topic "Literacy and writing skills of Oulu elementary school students at the beginning of the 20th century" at Oulu College on March 19, 2025.

The Oulu History Society strives to organize streaming of lectures, but it is not always available. We will announce possible streaming and its link on the society's social media channels and website shortly before the event. The public lectures of the Oulu History Society are open to everyone and free of charge. Welcome!

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Event dates
Wed 19. Mar 2025 at 16:00 - 17:30
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